Counselor's Corner

Kendra Morgan
Welcome to Blue Eye Schools! I am Kendra Morgan, your school counselor.
Through weekly classroom guidance classes, and as needed individual and small group meetings, students will participate in activities to:
Help children understand themselves and others
Help provide career education activities
Help children understand the school environment
Help children understand attitudes and behaviors
Help children gain interpersonal and communication skills
Help children learn problem solving and decision making skills
Help develop community pride and involvement
Help develop school success skills
In guidance classes we will work together to learn about a variety of topics including bullying, coping strategies, being drug free, study skills, and decision making skills.
Who is the Counselor
The Counselor is someone children can talk to when they feel…Angry, Confused, Worried, Frightened, Sad, Lonely, Happy, Proud
The Counselor works with parents to...
Help them understand test results
Help them understand child's personal growth and development
Help them understand their child's strengths and weaknesses
Help them understand their child's feelings
Help them understand their child's behavior
Help them understand their child's needs
The Counselor and Teachers work together to help students…
Develop academically and socially
Learn about the world of work
The Counselor works with…Community Agencies
Community agencies
Mental Health Agencies
Children's Division
Counselor's Helpful Links
Play Therapy

Play Therapy is a form of counseling or psychotherapy that uses play to communicate with and help people, especially children, to prevent or resolve psychosocial challenges. This is thought to help them towards better social integration,growth and development.
Children's play can be more fully appreciated when recognized as their natural medium of communication. Children express themselves more fully and more directly through self-initiated, spontaneous play than the do verbally because they are more comfortable with play. For children to "play out" their experiences and feelings is the most natural dynamic and self-healing process in which they can engage.
Play is to the child what verbalization is to the adult. It is a medium for expressing feelings,exploring relationships, and self-fulfillment. Given the opportunity, children will play out their feelings and needs in a manner or process of expression that is similar to that for adults.
When viewed form this perspective, toys are used like words by children, and play is their language.
Children may have considerable difficulty in trying to tell what they feel or how they have been affected by what they have have experienced; but,if permitted, in the presence of a caring, sensitive, and empathic adult, they will show what they feel through the toys and materials the choose, what they do with and to the materials, and the story acted out.