Transportation Information
100% Inspection Score
Congratulations Mr. Ed & Transportation Department!
In 2024 Mr. Ed Norton, transportation director, received a 100% score on the Missouri State Highway Patrol bus inspection. We have received 100% 12 out of the last 13 years.
Bus Drivers

#32 Naomi Bien
#36 Pam Huskey
#38 Ed Norton
#40 Robert Newman
#42 Gene Moore
#44 Rose Boyd
#46 Letta Carroll
#50 Casey Parton
Bus Routes

Bus Rules
Student Conduct
Bus transportation is a privilege. Misconduct on the bus endangers everyone! Bus drivers are school employees and school buses are school
property. Bus drivers have the responsibility for the safety of their passengers, and have the authority to make and enforce rules of conduct for ensuring that safety. With that in mind, the consequences for student misbehavior on the school bus will be strictly enforced.
Bus Regulations
Students must wait at the bus stop. The driver cannot wait for tardy students. Drivers will pick up and return students only to designated bus stops.
2. Students must stand at the side of the road rather than on the road while waiting.
3. The driver is in charge of the bus. Students must obey the driver promptly.
4. Students must not tamper with bus controls or equipment.
5. Students must be seated promptly and not move while the bus is in motion.
6. Students must keep arms, legs/head inside of bus windows. Keep aisles free of objects and do not litter.
7. When crossing in front of the bus, students should be at least 10 feet from the bus in order to be seen by the driver.
8. No objects should be thrown, flipped, tossed or shot out of the bus.
9. Students causing any damage to the bus or passing motorists will be responsible for damages.
10. No alcohol, drugs, smoking, vulgar/profane language, glass containers or animals may be brought on the bus.
11. Students cannot save seats for others.
12. Students may be assigned specific seats on the bus.
13. No Food or drink on the bus.
Ordinary Range of Consequences:
1st Offense: Student/ Administrator conference; notice sent to parent, signed and returned.
2nd Offense: Notice sent to parent, signed and returned; detention.
3rd Offense: 1-day suspension from the bus; notice sent to parent, signed and returned.
4th Offense: 3-day suspension from the bus; notice sent to parent, signed and returned.
5th Offense: Suspension from the bus for the remainder of the semester.
Note: A serious offense may result in immediate bus suspension and parent,
student, principal, transportation director conference required.
* A Report of Misconduct Warning form may be used by the Bus Driver as an alternative to a disciplinary referral when the disciplinary infraction is considered less severe.
Please remember that bus transportation is a privilege, not a right. Students who do not respect this privilege will lose it. It will then be the parent’s responsibility to transport his/her child to and from school.
Change in Transportation
To ride a different bus, the student must bring a note signed by the parent stating the date, destination, and reason for the change to the school office. Any change in bus or bus stop must be approved by school office and a bus pass will be issued to the driver. Requests for a change of transportation must be received before 2:00p.m. Students without notes will be sent home on their usual bus route. We cannot call home for students who did not bring a note.